Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is a central part of the Causeway experience. Players can view it at any time.

This is our standard for conduct because we believe everyone will get more out of the game and experience the genre in new ways by following it.

Things to Embrace:

A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

A Community of Learning

Your peers are learning the game, the devs are learning the game, and as a community: we are excited to learn about each-other! New players and new thinking are very welcome here.

Lots of our learning is informal, and can be as much about people as it is about gameplay.

  • We value having a good attitude and a good ear, over having a good point.
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Taking the Initiative

The feeling of friends playing together is what we strive for: and it always starts with one player making themselves available, or inviting others to participate. We warmly encourage this behaviour!

We also love seeing players offer to mentor a new player, acknowledge the good things around them, or speak out against poor conduct.

  • The reward for acting early is to get a conversation moving, and learn from how others respond. Being first does not entitle anyone to anything!
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Polite Invitations

Each teammate should be respected as equal, and free to seek victory and learn in their own way.

If you have a plan in mind, the best way to bring your team on board is to make it fun for them. Put them at the center of it, let them have a say, and be open to things twisting and changing!

  • Causeway should give you the tools to make working together fun. Make use of them!
  • Don't take it personally if you find other players aren't interested. Everyone has their own ideas, and days where they want to do different things.
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Polite Rejections

Sometimes you may not agree with the plans or ideas of other players, or are focused on something else. That's okay — though we encourage hearing them out.

When you decline or change your mind: be polite, and contribute something of your own thoughts so at least your team knows what's up.

  • A message like "I think we should go top" or "I am going top" will help the team more than "that's a bad idea" or "not happening".
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Mindful Communication

A diverse and international community plays this game. Everyone has different standards for what's okay, and we ask you to to join us in occupying a courteous middle-ground.

  • Try to speak calmly and clearly, tone down the swearing, and keep any unsavoury jokes for friends you know will enjoy them.
  • While we are a Community of Learning: our spaces are not suitable for discussion about politics or religion as it is beyond our scope to offer moderation.

Things to Avoid:

A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Making it Personal

If you bring up or comment on someone's personal traits and a report gets involved, it will never favour you.

  • Therefore: avoid commenting on anyone's nationality, creed, religion, body type, gender, sexuality, disability, etc., and avoid mocking or shaming language of this type.
  • Play with anybody, welcome everybody, and enjoy the game among fellow humans.
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Toxic Behaviour

Everybody has habits, and in online gaming 'toxic behaviour' is one that many players pick up.

We know toxic behaviour will surface in Causeway — 'old habits die hard' as they say. When it does, we expect that for most players: a gentle reminder, or hearing "not cool" from another player, should be enough that someone can take their own best steps to keep it under control.

  • We value everyone's equal place in learning the game. If a comment seems to diminish the effort of another player, suggests dominance or superiority, or seeks to provoke or disrespect: we don't like it here.
  • If you have to follow with "just kidding", don't say it at all.
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.


Whether intentional or not, some behaviour patterns worsen the experience for other players. The game and our community spaces enable you to do many things; this does not mean we are cool with all of them.

If someone asks you to discontinue, respect their choice. In this community, it is your responsibility to stop, not their responsibility to use a technology to prevent you.

  • We consider any communication that is predatory, threatening, intimidating, lewd, demeaning, derogatory, invasive of privacy, or abusive as harassment. This also includes doxxing, impersonation, griefing, throwing, and unwelcome after-game messages.
  • An unwelcome pattern of any behaviour can be considered harassment.
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Breaches of our Terms of Service

We have clear rules to ensure everyone can play fair, in safety, and that we can run a sustainable business.

You can review our Terms on our website.

Things to Remember:

A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

Causeway is Growing

Your developers have limited resources, and there will be growing pains. Sometimes, things will get worse before they get better.

We appreciate your patience as we work to listen, learn, and improve.

  • If you feel we need a steer in the right direction: please make contact through a suitable channel, or request that a channel be opened. Do keep it constructive!
A paper scroll, wrapped in ribbon.

We have Limits

While we are a Community of Learning, our scope isn't everything and our patience isn't endless.

If a player's conduct seems to us to be out of alignment with this Code, we may withdraw account access on a temporary or ongoing basis.

  • We are happy to work on improving the Code, but there is no lawyering us on the spirit of it. If you're not sure, ask first!