May 2016

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  • Our website is now built, and is working on a local test server. It is based on the Drupal content management system, which is essentially "Wordpress, with flexibility". If we need to expand or add new sections to the site later, some of which might behave differently, Drupal makes that easy. It did have a steepish learning curve when I started out (which is expected), but it was worth it to secure a good foundation. I'll be migrating it to a production server sometime soon.
  • Yak has wrapped up pfields and forces, as well as adding some important missing features to our action definitions. Hours of discussion go into shaping the final product, since we need to balance both ease of use, and being able to compose complex new spells quickly and succinctly. It's not easy to get it right.
  • I also spent a bunch of time this month researching art styles and experimenting further with icons. Gathering reference material is pretty gruelling...
  • Yak got a new dog this month!
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