Piece by Piece

Icon for the 'If You Build It' counsel.

Icon for the 'If You Build It' counsel.Warmest greetings, everyone!

It's been a fine year for Causeway so far. We are still a small team running an alpha, and over the last two months a lot of pieces have found their places.

Players are finding the experience fresh, something that learns here and there from other games but isn't trying to be them.

Much as I enjoy the tests, we're far from a polished game. I could spend three weeks on nothing but user experience (UX) and it would be a great use of time — yet we have to keep moving and creating and growing as well!

Speaking of growth, lets talk a little about that...

Our Code of Conduct

Before scaling up a community, it's important that we lay out a vision for what we want to become.

When we consider potential problems, the saying 'Prevention is Better than Cure' applies — and the same goes for creating opportunities! If we want the best for our community: Planning is better than pivoting!

One early investment we've made is putting together a Code of Conduct. You can read about our full process for that in? the latest Design Article, or you can take a look through the pdf.

We've also added rules to our community discord server, which go into effect immediately.

Strike While the Iron is Hot!

Have you got a favourite, snappy piece of advice? Our in-game Advisors might like to dispense it!

Rather than ever-fancier swords and shields: our characters rely on 'Counsels' for new ideas that will help them progress, work together, and get the edge over their opponents.

Here are two in-game examples:

A bird flying in an upward direction.

A Bird in Hand is worth Two in the Bush

When an ally within 10 radius of you chooses some Companions, one Companion of that type will appear immediately.

It will follow the nearest ally with A Bird in Hand, and lasts for 10 seconds.

A decision tree with one path highlit

One Bad Plan is better than Two Good Plans

When every player on your team has taken One Bad Plan, you deal +100% damage to enemy Cores.

Until then, you deal +20% damage to enemy Cores.

Okay, so that last one is a bit silly — but it shows that a fun saying can actually make it into the game! We'd love to gather some more ideas for Counsels: and sourcing from the community is a great way to do it.

Feel free to drop into the new #counsel-suggestions channel on our discord to read the guidelines and share your favourites!

Thanks for reading,

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Icon for the 'If You Build It' counsel.